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All Organised Societies Need a Written Code of Law.


One that applies to all citizens, the savior, the warrior and the civilians alike. True Comrades don't need to be told such things, but not all who read this blog are Comrades already, so let me guide you on the right path...


1- Evil is a means to an end, not its own reward. (Don't grief unless it's profitable. Yes, it's fun, but it makes us all look bad and we must all sacrifice some of our personal fun for the good of the community.)

2- All comrades must do their part to the best of their ability. (If you sign up as a miner, but sell all your minerals on the market and only profit of the industry corps every once in a while to get cheap ships, you're not a true communist, you're a parasite.)

3- Violence begets violence, force begets force, a true Comrade does not threaten nor coerce unless he is being threatened himself.

4- Discretion is the sturdiest shield, Intelligence the sharpest sword. (Don't talk about your comrades and don't be an idiot.)

5- Don't steal from Comrades.

6- Don't kill Comrades. (Unless it's mutually hilarious)

    6.1- If you needed to be told the above two, please get the fuck out of my website.


Punishment for any of the above offences shall be determined by the community, in most case it will be capital punishment; the severance of all ties to you, banishment. Our issue is not you breaking the law, it's that you got caught doing so, proving you are unfit to benefit the revolution.

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